Friday, November 9, 2012

Teen Read Week is October 14-20

LRC helpers did a fantastic job creating our first display case,
"Fall for a good Book" 
I've been working hard and getting acclimated to my new position. Teaching is truly a rewarding occupation. Having a sense that your efforts can actually help someone, is priceless. And as the school librarian I get to be a part of so much...helping students find the resources they need, the delight on their faces when their requested book comes in, the peace they show when they enter into the quiet sanctuary like setting of the LRC, (depends which period), the focus they display when working at the computer-typing, researching,or completing their math problems. I'm proud of the LRC helpers I have too. They've created displays and promoted programs and the opening weeks of the school library would not have been possible without their day-to-day contributions.
The school website addition is my first virtual trek outside the LRC. YALSA's Teen Read Week inspired me; Teen Read Week is October 14-20

Face Your Fears

One of my most significant milestones during the TRT experience so far, has been my experience with the Beneath the Fishing Pole program.

When I was a girl, my grandmother would always ask if I wanted to go fishing and I always declined. When I reflect on why, I can recall not wanting to touch any worms, put bugs on a hook, or touch a live or dead fish or clean fish or eat fish! Nothing, and I mean nothing about fishing sounded fun or enjoyable at that time.

Fast forward three decades… and here I am in a situation to undue all of those past thoughts by helping young children overcome the very thing I’d avoided when I was their age! Yes I faced my fears and said that out loud as I hooked my first cut up worm onto the hook. The kids and the adults in the group marveled. I just convinced myself that if my family and I were starving and our survival depended on me fishing- I would do it, period. Once I was past that initial obstacle, I helped several children get the worm parts that Ranger Jack had cut, onto the hooks. Once those were gone I had to cross another bridge and conserve the worms we had and needed by cutting the whole worms into three parts. I watched Ranger Jack cut the worms with the scissors and I got down to business myself. I could not contain my excitement and surprise when the worm parts continued to wiggle around even after I’d cut them. Who knew…not me… but now I do.

I learned so much about the anatomy of a fish, how to cast, how to hook, how to line up poles, transport poles- the joy of learning has always been in me and I am so thankful to our Creator for letting me share that part of myself with others and for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful experience with others.
I must be prepared. To help me prepare for my first Ledges Ramble program, I took my sons and two of my nephews on the hike with me and had them do the scavenger hunt. I matched an older with a younger and emphasized to them that they didn't need to find everything and that the most important thing was to enjoy the hike and the park.

They were so wonderful to watch and so helpful. I was so thankful for the time I spent with them and felt a connection and love for them and the outdoors. Wow, I sound so sappy but it's so true. I can't wait to do this again.

On Top! Ledges Ramble...
Despite all of the challenges with being a TRT, there are so many worthwhile moments. When I got to lead my first Ledges Ramble program, I described the “tight space” we could go into near Ice Box cave. A couple of the children voiced their concern and had decided they would go around rather than slide and slink through the tight space.  After some thought one of the little girls said, “Well, face your fears,”  and had made up her mind that she was going to slide and slink. I was truly inspired. I had just said those same words a week before. I high-fived her and before you know it, it became our group mantra- “face your fears!” We were all high-fiving and when it came time to go into the tight space, we all went through, they squealed with delight and wanted to go through again. Amazing.
