For my Organization and Administration of Educational Media Programs and Centers university graduate course, I had to go on some media center visitations. I chose three schools based on their proximity and grade levels. High School A (HS-A), the one I work at. High School B (HS-B), the new high school which is just a short drive away, and our high school cluster middle school. I conducted the middle school visit via distance. The libraries pretty much look the same. They all have books and tables. Ironically they all pretty much operate the same too. (Actual interview questions and notable responses follow the these comments).
Functional Cozy Corner HS-B |
Collection Corner HS-A |
Topics: Interesting/Helpful Points/ Comments
1. Collaboration, Teaching- it was interesting to see that the LMS saw teaching citation of sources as a priority because that's also one of the things I've emphasizes with my honors and advanced placement students, especially during their National History Day research time.
LMC Workroom HS-B |
However, I was a little shocked that there was collaboration between the school and the public library because I've never witnessed that. I've also visited the nearby branch library just three blocks away and I've never noticed anything with the school connection other than the main phone number to the school posted by the circulation desk. However two of my sources pointed out that they had served on committees with the public librarians.
Something I was disappointed in was the idea that teachers should "come" to the library and "ask" for help. Teachers I can speak for myself, are often very busy, not just with lesson planning, copying, meetings, phone calls/e-mails to parents, but also being their for students- helping them, talking and connecting with them. I don't have a formula that would calculate the time involved but with 170 students, I can verify that there's very little time left to even eat. That's why I can appreciate the term "collaborate." In a leadership role I would actually expect the librarian to initiate the contact by "going" to the teacher and "offering" suggestions, ideas, or help that would open the door to collaboration.
2. Technology- it's interesting to me that none of the librarians mentioned students requesting e-books, play-a-ways or some other kind of audio books. I'm glad I learned this information because now I'm curious to find out whether it's because of lack of interest or lack of knowledge- students and staff may just not be aware of the technology or that it's an option.
LRC Computer Classroom HS-A |
Computer Wall HS-B |
3. Program Planning- It does make sense that there would need to be an orientation for how to use the new media center at (HS-B), even for upper classmen who used the old LRC. Because the new media center has a different layout and floor plan and new equipment it would be an excellent way for the LMS to get students and staff in the door.
I was disappointed that the LRC at (HS-A), isn’t able to schedule classes into the computer lab because classes have been assigned to that room. Any programming that might require large group interaction and use of the computers would suffer. It also forces any program to be limited to the common study-read area.
Posted MC Rules HS-B |
4. Policies and Procedures- it's good to know that there maybe future changes within the building that may force me as the LMS to re-think policies and procedures for the media center. The new electronic attendance and grade book has created an accountability nightmare for the librarians. How will they know who should and shouldn't be in the LRC?
The student assistant handbook was very helpful. It outlined the duties, qualifications, and opportunities for student assistants-volunteers.
5. Collections- its helpful to know that fiction is the most circulated and reference the least. This is the kind of information that teachers and staff should know about. Kids are reading! but they prefer to read fiction. Some teachers may be able to use this information to choose books and reading more appealing to their students.
6. Time Management and Scheduling- it's interesting that in order to get a quiet moment before the day starts that the LMS needs to come in at 7am! That's good to know because I can prepare myself for the kind of routine I may have to establish.
I was disappointed to find out that all of the librarians spent considerably more time on clerical tasks when their library technical aide was not scheduled to be in the building. That just means less time the LMS spends helping students find, analyze, and evaluate materials or collaborating with teachers.
Circulation Desk HS-A |
Circulation Desk HS-B |
7. Facilities- it was interesting to find out that the librarians' budgets had been cut because a new software-server purchase by the district is assumed to replace any need for AV materials. I also don't agree with this. The LMS should still have a line in the budget for AV materials that Safari Montage may not cover.
It was also disappointing to hear about the LRC being viewed as a "dumping" ground for any classes, school personnel, and liaisons that the principal didn't have the space to accommodate. To have an occasional place for this group of additional staff to meet might be understandable, but to take away rooms and pace designed for teacher and student educational and informational gathering and working needs, seems unfair.
Also I disagree with the idea that the facilities are designed in a way that is appealing to the young adults who come in there. The furniture is old and obviously dated. There are no "comfy" spots. There appears to be no teen influence at all. There needs to be a better balance between the academic environment tone trying to be established and the youthful expression that exists because of who the audience is.
The floor plan for HS-A facilities would be almost perfect if the room areas in the rear were moved to the right side, length-wise and fitted with their own separate entrance. This would cut down on distractions from foot traffic going in and out of those rooms. Also a restroom right off the lobby even if just for faculty would be helpful I'd think.
Appealing Floor Plan HS-A |
8. Managing Personnel- I've learned that the two people that the librarian will work with the most are the paid part-time librarian technician and the volunteer student assistant (s). I was pleased to find out that the personnel roles are clearly defined but I know from experience that not everyone will follow every part of their job description. It concerns me that working with another adult that will be my subordinate could be a challenge when I'm new to the position.
9. Budget- as the textbook reading supported, the budgets for all three librarians varied from year to year. No one wanted to be too specific about amounts, but all agreed that there have been some years where they haven't had a budget at all! I was hopeful when LMS from HS-A, shared that the budget actually drastically increased for the LRC this year.
Welcome note- Great marketing tool, HS-A |
10. Marketing: Promotion & Events- I think it's good to know that at the middle school level that book talks are still popular. I'm surprised that at the high school level we don't see this as much. As LMS I would like to offer more effective book talks that appeal to older teens.
11. Program Evaluation- It was interesting to find out just as the text reading addressed, that data and reports to the principal can become great resources and ways to evaluate and promote the library program(s). I do think that more feedback should come from the students and faculty. That the staff and student body should have input in the programming that should support their needs.
It was also helpful to see that as an LMS that I will still have an opportunity to teach and to help and that it won't be all clerical tasks.
Interview Questions
Has there ever been any collaboration between the school library and the public library?
· Yes. We are in contact with each other often. Professional courtesy. I have served on committees, also.
Is there one subject area that you collaborate more with?
· Social Studies and Science is a close second.
Biggest obstacle to collaboration?
· Having teachers come to the LRC or ask me for assistance.
One thing to teach-what would it be?
· Choosing a proper web source and proper citations, also.
What technology do you have?
· Computers with Internet.
What is most used?
· InfOhio website, (the students tend to prefer Google and Wikipedia).
What is most asked for but not in the LRC?
· Very current books and popular movies.
What technology do you think would help most? (don’t have, not asked for a lot)
· The building is new and the current technology needs are adequate.
Program Planning
What has been most successful programming?
· Career Passport and work with Special Education students.
What programming is needed in the future?
· How to get the most use out of the new media center.
Biggest obstacle to program planning?
· No room when classes are scheduled in the computer lab.
How do you get feedback on programming?
· Surveys, verbal communication
Policies & Procedures
What policies did you develop and which procedures were already in place before you took over.
· Overall district policies were already in place. Individual building and day-to-day things are unique to each building.
Are there any changes that need to be made with current policies or procedures?
· I would prefer students report to LRC directly prior to going to Study Hall. Our new attendance program is fast.
What policies/procedures have changed recently?
· Attendance. Students report to Study Hall first then straggle into LRC sometimes up to 20 minutes after the first bell.
Any notes on circulation/fines/computer sign-up, labs, other rooms, orientation, etc.
· See student handbook and other papers.
What circulates often? Least?
· First, fiction and least, reference.
What preferred procedure for selecting materials? Equipment?
· Student suggestions, staff/faculty input, professional reviews. I do not select equipment. That is the Audio-Visual Coordinator’s responsibility.
Of items weeded, reason for most?
· Gum/food inside pages, torn pages, bindings falling apart, not circulated in 20 years.
Time Managements & Scheduling
Do you get to begin your day with quiet planning?
· Yes. I come in around 7 am.
How much of time spent on clerical tasks?
· When my assistant is not scheduled to be in the building I spend one to two periods.
How are tasks prioritized?
· Teachers’ requests/needs come first, students’ requests next, LRC needs when I Have time.
If you could change three things about the LRC facilities here, what would it be?
· No extra classes assigned here.
· More extra rooms to house all people sent here by office.
· Full-time assistant.
Add anything to design? Decoration? In budget?
· I think I do ok with the design I’ve been given- I do rearrange furniture occasionally. Decorations are out mainly for holidays. I would like to have an audio-visual budget instead of Safari Montage.
Are their designated “zones” i.e. “recreational reading, viewing & listening, quiet stud?
· There used to be “areas” but all are claimed by others.
Managing Personnel
How do you delegate tasks?
· Student assistants have assigned duties. LRC technician has specific tasks and things she should not do due to contract language.
Has the job description for as LMC personnel been adequately defined?
· Yes. See copy I included.
What are most effective aspects when dealing with library aids/ assistants?
· Having a good understanding of tasks to be performed and capabilities of students.
How are student library helpers chosen?
· Attendance, grades, capabilities of performing tasks and following directions and have a study hall.
What is your budget?
· It varies from year to year.
Does it vary year to year?
· Yes. Some years I have had nothing.
What does the majority of the budget go toward?
· Books.
If budget was drastically increased what would you add-materials, equipment, resources?
· It was drastically increased this year for books.
Drastically decreased- what would be kept or cut?
· I try to get a set of encyclopedias in print every three years. Though I would update sections (i.e. science, geography) where needed.
Marketing Promotion & Events
What are your most preferred marketing promotion techniques?
· Displays in and around the LRC. Booktalks.
Contests- free samples, displays?
· Yes, I have done them all.
How do you decide what to market?
· Seasonally, holidays, celebrations, new materials.
What audience do you market to most often?
· Students.
Program Evaluation
How do you measure success of LRC programming?
· Teacher use, student use, circulation.
Appraise facility?
· I try to keep it clear and available, it’s not always easy.
Staff or principal appraisals?
· There are reports that I submit to the principal about attendance to collaboration requests.
Assessing student learning?
· Help struggling students where I see problems. Work with students on homework, selecting books for reports or leisure reading.