Global education from a modern approach focuses on teaching and preparing students to understand perspectives of people and cultures across all grades, and disciplines to solve problems that lead to better work relationships, and way of life.
Our school mission: The mission of Ellet High School is to provide a safe, supportive learning environment to serve the unique academic, personal, social, and emotional needs of all students while preparing them for college and career readiness to compete in a global economy.

and our school district's mission: The mission of Akron Public Schools, a pioneer in academic excellence passionately committed to life-long learning, is to ensure that each student in our diverse population achieves his or her fullest potential in a safe and affirming learning center characterized by an extensive, student-focused collaboration of all segments of the community, with an emphasis on preparing students to live and excel in a global environment.

Both make a point to mention this “global connection.”

As our focus as educators is to attempt 21st century skills, college and career ready preparation, with ever-increasing tests and assessments, global literacy and competencies will certainly be vital to our student’s future.

This capstone project is a stepping stone to integrating and incorporating global competencies students can grow from in cross curricular areas. The guide is part of the Travel Blog 7 and is broken divided into nine other pages:

  1. Digital Learning Environment Inventory - is a summary of the current school and district resources and initiatives related to technology and the opportunities that may be available using what is available. This of course will hopefully change to add more impactful resources.
  2.  Standard-based Global Education Updates – is a model of how current standards can be meet using global education approach.
  3.  International Project-based Learning Opportunities List – Is a list shared by past and present Teachers for Global Classrooms and outlines a thorough list of web tools, initiatives & organizations, and lesson plans student resources that have an international focus.
  4.  Local Community Resource List – Is a relative annotated list of local community-based organizations, global education organizations, associations, schools, and other stakeholders.
  5. Global Education Student Assessment Tools Inventory – Provides a description of various assessments that measure student’s global competence.
  6.   Essential Question and Guiding Questions for International Travel – Is a summary of the questions that guided the travel component of the fellowship. This section provides insight into the travel blog focus and the professional impact.
  7. Travel Blog – Documents how the travel experience translates to classroom and school community.
  8.  Global Educaiton Unit Plan – Based on the Understanding by Design format, this unit plan is an example of a research, project-based unit with a global perspective, that could be modified to fit multiple subject areas.
  9.  How to use this Guide – This document here- that introduces the guide and makes a case for global education.
  10.  Additional Resources – Links to multiple TGC Pintrest pages dedicated to global education, perspectives.

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