http://iiakron.org/ The International Institute of Akron (IIA)- is a leader in the international community in Summit County, Ohio. The nonprofit agency provides services to over 10,000 immigrants in Northeast Ohio and resettles over 500 refugees. They offer community services that assist those born outside the United States to integrate into American society. Programs promote public awareness of the value of ethnic diversity and to encourage international communication.

http://www.akroninternational.org/programsnew.html Akron International Friendship-  Through the Speakers Service, AIF facilitates and coordinates international and cultural outreach programs through local schools. International students and community members, as citizen diplomats, teach local students about their countries and cultures.

http://www.diversitycenterneo.org/current_program.html The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio-  Initiatives address cultural competence through LeadDIVERSITY: Each year, a group of 30 professionals are selected to participate in a year-long curriculum that examines how organizations leverage diversity as a critical success factor and teaches participants how to guide their organizations toward a more inclusive corporate culture. CULTURAL COMPETENCY: Cultural Competence training provides the necessary tools to help individuals understand and address the impact of race, class, and gender, as well as with other aspects of diversity and their intersection on a systemic level.
http://www.akrongvf.org/index.htm The Global Village Festival of Greater Akron- Summit County’s international and ethnic diversity is an extremely important community asset that can enrich and enlarge our collective world view. The Global Village Festival is an international culture festival that will help foster a greater awareness and appreciation for the diversity that exists in Summit County.

http://www.uakron.edu/ci/ The University of Akron's Confucius Institute- The Confucius Institute promotes the expansion of Chinese language instruction through a range of educational and outreach activities for students, teachers, businesses and community members...on our campus and in our communities.

http://www.asiaohio.org/ Asian Services In Action, Inc.- ASIA’s mission is to empower and advocate for Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders (AAPIs); and to provide AAPIs access to quality, culturally, and linguistically appropriate information and services.

http://www.akronworldaffairs.org/about/about_us.html Akron Council on World Affairs-Through it’s Speaker Series, travel, internships, and Global Scholars programs works with foreign embassies in Washington, D.C. Diplomats appointed to come to Akron participate in the coordinated programs. These are designed to support audience understanding of the importance, the complexity and the nuances, as well as currents events, relevant to a given country's relations with Ohio and the U.S. Each country's diplomat also provides the context of history and issues relevant to his or her country, as appropriate.

http://teacheredgoesglobal.org/tegg.php Teacher Education Goes Global- Possible through grant from the Longview Foundation to internationalize teacher education curriculum at three institutions in Ohio: Kent State University, Miami University, and the University of Akron. The website provides information related to this grant and a workspace for the Global Learning Scholars.

http://www2.kent.edu/globaleducation/index.cfm Office of Global Education Kent State University- The Office of Global Education plans, coordinates, sustains, and monitors the University's global initiatives, exchange programs, and support services for international students and scholars.

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