Modified Standards For Global Education
MEDIA ANALYSIS (“Beyond Media”)
1. Information
Literacy Standards for Student Learning (AASL AND AECT, 1998)
Standard 2: The student who is information literate
evaluates information critically and competently.
2. Examine and evaluate information for its accuracy and
relevancy to determine particular aspects of developing nations.
3. Taking examples of sensationalism and bias in media with
natural disasters, students find online sources using a resource like Google News.
Students work in small groups to deconstruct four news articles. They must
analyze and chart how each article objectively- factually, covers the 5W’s-
who, what, when, where, why. Along with
the articles they should find photographs that support the facts.
4. As the summative assessment, each student must identify
at least two missing elements in his/her story, groups answer essential
questions, and present their discoveries via web 2.0 tool.
MEDIA PROMOTION (“Celebrities”)
1.International Society for Technology in
Education Student Standards, ISTE
Standard 1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative
thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes
using technology.
2. After an introduction on “developing nation” and “global
development,” and looking at celebrities and their causes, Students will
develop a media campaign based on what role a popular culture celebrity played
in a global issue.
3. Students research a specific global development cause, program,
or organization and specify why they’ve chosen it. The media campaign they
design must publicize and build support for their choosen issue. Choosing a
medium ( TV, online, video, print, etc), possible audience, selection,
determine level of celebrity involvement, if any, and kinds of promotional
4. Students will include a written overview which includes a
list of suggested media products. They will prepare a pseudo-campaign product
using a web 2.0 tool- Web page, Fakebook, Voki, Animoto, or some combination. Along
with the list, and product they will also include a brief justification for
their choice.
1. International
Society for Technology in Education Student Standards, ISTE
Standard 3. Research
and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to
gather, evaluate, and use information.
2. Students use strategies for using the Internet to
research global development issues.
3. Students research a global development topic, evaluate
online information on the global topic, and find multiple sources of
information on a global development topic and assess which is most appropriate
for a variety of purposes.
4. After lesson on effective searching and purposes of
online information, students use an article such as
or similar to evaluate the online source.
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