Friday, May 9, 2014

The famine is over in my previous reference to feast or famine. I don’t know how bloggers do it, but I respect the occupation title of “full-time blogger.” As I have been a “full-time” high school library media specialist, my time has really gone in to daily activities revolving around that.

International Research & Exchanges Board is a non-profit U.S. based organization committed to international education.
The year has been filled with eventful programming and activities, all leading up to this summer’s U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs/ IREX- Teachers for Global Classrooms, (TGC),  global competencies trip to the Philippines. After receiving multiple emails about the program from colleagues, (, I decided to look into the opportunity. After the application process I was accepted
and prepared for the rigorous graduate-level  8-week online course. The online course became a professional learning committee for me, providing a chance to connect, reflect, share, and analyze with teachers from around the country with a common goal. Our common goal is to have a personal learning experience that would prepare us to share and guide our school communities to develop and increase the emphasis on global perspectives and competencies.

This Media Center Quest blog will also serve as the international travel blog. I’ll be sharing my travel reflections, thoughts and experiences and my wish is that students, the school community, and families at home and abroad view my efforts as one of a U.S. Ambassador with a unique voice that engages and hopefully inspires thought provoking questions.
Department Mission Statement
Shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and democratic world and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere.
          --From the FY 2013 Agency Financial Report,
         released December 2013
