Thursday, June 26, 2014

International Journey Begins

My last few minutes on plane a21 hr trip around the world
My journey began on Monday, June 23,,2014 with an early morning plane to catch at 6:45. I’d given myself plenty of time to check bags that I would normally have packed for a plane ride. I thought I had been pretty diligent about meeting the weight requirements for both bags. Needless to say, I hadn’t. One bag was over by 6 lbs. and would have cost another $75 to check. The other one was under the limit by 4 lbs. I quickly began removing things from the $75 one- to be placed in the lighter bag. Perfect.. problem.. solved. It was now off to Detroit, then Los Angeles, Tokyo, and the Philippines. 

Four plane rides& over 21 hours later…I arrived at my final destination- Manila, Philippines! The view from my hotel is amazing.  
12th floor view from the Makati Shangri-La hotel in Manila

Now it’s time to get down to business and really explore my essential question- to what degree and in what ways is access to information valued? Inspired by my current role as Library Media Specialist and fueled by my love of history, other questions come to mind when considering this:

  • Where do Filipinos get their information from?
  • Is there a preference? Based on what? Is there a generational  connection? Regional? Etc?
  • How is information shared?
  • How much emphasis is placed on the quality of information? Global Perspectives? 
  • Is certain news or historical information, off limits?

The essential question I’ve chosen has some assumptions. For example, credit should be assigned for information gathered and that quality of information does matter. In America, giving credit to a source and considering the reliability and credibility of a source are important. Copyright, fair use, open use are areas involved in research and information gathering.
Based on what I’ll see, do and hear during tours, visits, meetings, etc. I hope to engage my school and community in conversation about the significance of gaining global perspectives.
I'm looking forward to international travel and cultural experiences and the directions it will take me in.
“This blog is not an official U.S. Department of State blog. The views and information presented are the grantee’s own and do not represent the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State.”

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