Sunday, July 6, 2014

It’s More Fun in the Philippines!

The Ruins
The Philippines is filled with cultural sights and things to do, “right around the corner.” There is a definite close connection between Filipino history and American history.  The fact that English is a national language is the biggest evidence. There is an almost overwhelming Euro-American presence that is undeniable.

So far on the trip our guide-teacher has done a fabulous job of exposing us to “high” and “low” culture that gives us a since of what life would be like in Bacolod if we weren’t living out of suitcases in a hotel.

Donah, Carrie, Me, Amanda, Raymund at 7 Springs

Weekend getaways are a part of life and no different in the Philippines. Bacolod area has a lot to offer. For fun, Campuestuhan Resort, where you can zipline and be in the company of King Kong.  For re-charge, Mambukal Mountain resort. The water fall hiking, Seven Springs is a grande concept. Our groups hike was three of the seven and was slightly challenging for me, the former Park Ranger, in floppy, worn crocs. The butterfly garden, Japanese hot springs, bat sanctuary, and of course the whole body massage melted the rigors of hiking away. Our planned weekend beach trip to Sipalay is sure to impress.
Ms. Connie at Balay Negrense Museum
Our visit to Bacolod has shown me that Filipinos here work hard but also know very well how to take a step back and enjoy, reflect and re-charge.

A view of La Consolacion College from the Pope John Paul Tower
The Ruins, City Public Plaza, Meeting the Mayor at the new government center, going to the market, Negros Museum, San Diego De Alcala Parish, Balay Negrense Museum, Pope John Paul Tower, Museo Negrense de La Salle, helped me to put this experience in a context that was familiar. With this basic awareness I could reflect, compare, and appreciate. The analysis process heightens my sense of what it means to be home. I miss my family and wish they were, here. I want them to see, experience and share together. My appreciation for what makes my hometown and country unique has deepened.

Odd Corner: I’m a city slicker but I’m awake to the truth now. “Cock-a-doodle-do” isn’t just in nursery rhymes, it is a real thing. This rooster woke me up, has been waking me up, will keep waking me up, because he’s right outside my hotel window having a conversation with another cockerel who is apparently not that far away because I can hear him too. They will be chatting it up through-out the day I suppose…so cocky. ;-)

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