My visit to LCC was one of the best days ever. Dean and host Randdie and the staff were so warm, and inviting, there was even a huge poster near the entrance to the building, announcing our visit and welcoming us to the Philippines and to the school. I felt like a celebrity just walking through the door. People just appeared with smiles, handshakes, hugs and greetings. We were introduced and sat for a short chat with the Mother Sister Maria, President. After meeting our welcoming group, we were led to a large hall area for an abbreviated Morning Meeting and welcoming service. The children and teachers were so quiet and I was shocked at how many were actually in the room. It was explained that because of the rain Morning Meeting needed to be relocated to individual classrooms and it was a good thing too because that gave us a chance to participate. There was prayer, singing of the Filipino national anthem and a new student who had just moved back from the states, beautifully sang our national anthem, and a welcoming song with signs- “together-strong- lean on,” Is what I remember that included a slide show alongside the10th grade choir. After introducing ourselves, we moved to the conference room to meet the department heads and to make our presentations. True to the ways of the land, we were offered another snack that was actually a meal where I come from and we sat enjoyed it with our guests. Hey- “we meet, we eat” I love “Stomach Development.”
My fellow, Amanda decided to present first and discussed AVID and did an engaging activity on Socratic Circles. Both Emily, our IREX-TGC Organizer, and I both participated alongside the department heads who would possibly be doing an Echo presentation with the rest of the staff at a later date.
Eventually I was able to share some of my background, professional experiences, expectations, and wishes. My thinking was that I was not here to “teach” my fellow colleagues in the Philippines but to share and to gain. It felt good to have a group that was so gracious with their time, attention, and interest. And although there may not have been enough time in our one- day schedule to visit individual classrooms, the experience was still a positive one, that made me feel appreciated, respected, and worthy. I’m disappointed that I wasn’t able to visit with LCC for two weeks as planned. Interestingly enough, several at LCC mentioned the same thing.
Our host team treated us to lunch at 21. Yes, that’s the name of the restaurant, and it is obscurely located just down the street from our hotel. The menu had a variety of dishes- Filipino and American. I was so happy with that. I was craving salad and enjoyed the Oriental salad with the mandarin oranges, chicken, and slightly sweet dressing. I couldn’t resist a bowl of seafood soup too! It was interesting that all three of us Americans ordered chicken dishes and all of our hosts ordered beef dishes. This was a younger, energetic, progressive group of school leaders I interpreted and I felt somewhat relieved and more comfortable with them. I’m glad that the Sisters and LCC administrators chose them.
Highlights @ LCC |
The day got even better when we were able to meet with members of the student body for a question and answers session. At first, students were hesitant to ask questions but eventually we didn’t have enough time for all of the students who later had questions!! There were questions about college requirements, course offerings, discipline, and a few students wanted to be librarians and had questions for my fellow and I. The most powerful question was something like, “ What was the worst thing a student ever did to you?” And my response was something like, “ As a professional, I’m a teacher, teachers know their clientele, we know who we’re working with, so we can’t take things personally, but when a student has said to me, ‘Why do you care?!!..What’s the big deal!?!’ it is so hurtful because I say, why do you think I wouldn’t care? I think, what adult or authority has let you down and made you think you are not worth caring about? And I say, I don’t want you to group me with them. I do care, I should care, it is a big deal, you are a big deal and I believe that now, even if you don’t right now.” I have a necklace I like to where that is engraved and it says, “Teaching is a work of HEART.” So true. Following the session, was a cultural show and we were treated to the best talent, singing and dances that the Performing Arts students had to offer. As part of the show we were presented with lovely necklaces made in the Philippines. I was so pleased to hear, see and receive!
I was so pleased to hear and see. My fellow even involved the audience and showed them a swing dance routine of hers.
View of LCC from Pope John Paul II tower |
At the end of the work day our teacher hosts even accommodated our desire to karaoke. I found that Filipinos love to sing! And that when you videoke it’s OK to let loose, free of criticism or embarrassment because they recognize in that setting it’s OK even if you don’t sing so well. Just right for me. We went to a local bar, KGB- very exotic, old Hollywood but modern, hip vibe with Dean & Monroe photos on the walls, (side: Just thought of hip hop comparison- Biggie, Tupac, Left-Eye, Aliyha- great artist who died to young). Several drinks, and dozens of songs later we ended our night. I will fondly remember this. At the late hour of 10 pm it was time to call it a night…I’m so old... I may not always look my age but I definitely know for sure, I am no longer in my teens, 20’s… or 30’s. This was a work night for our hosts and they kindly indulged us- Ms. Cookie, Mr. Raj- know way too many songs and as I found out I do too!!!
Odd Corner: I need to seriously find out why we can’t have the actual video playing during videoke? The dancers, animations, slide shows, do not fit the songs. During TLC’s “Waterfalls” I wanted to see them do the moves, I wanted to do the moves with original song artists. Also, new to videoke, rap songs with artists known to be explicit- don’t choose. I found out very quickly that the radio version of Lil’ Wayne’s 6 foot 7 foot was riddled with lyrics I did not want to repeat in front of the group. Luckily, Stephanie boldly saved me by filling in while the rest of the group cheered us on. Wow. Epic.
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