Monday, July 7, 2014

Schools Cool & Watch Your Step

So many technical difficulties. Just when I opened my big mouth to say, "Oh my wi-fi is fine, it's perfect," Suddenly it's not. I have not been able to get my photos to update from my phone. Bummer, I really miss the Photogrid. But,  "the show must go on," as they say. So...


CSA-B, Donah with her birthday bouquet

Our host school Colegio San Agustin, Bacolod, (CSA-B) and of course our host Ms. Donah, is amazing. Through her leadership and with the support of the staff at the school this cultural exchange has been made possible. We’ve joked that “Ms. Donah knows everyone.”
CSA-B, Afternoon Phys Ed.
CSA-B, Monday Morning Meeting
Most of my time in Bacolod has been observing the ways of the Filipino education system.  The staff and students are resilient. Despite living through the horror of witnessing their school gymnasium burning down, the school president’s message, “Re-build to Re-live our memories,” is inspiring students, alumni, and the community to unite and persevere. Already the “ZumRun” has kicked off a lot of excitement, with more activities and programs to follow.
CSA-B, Extension School courtyard area

My group visited, three Catholic schools all within about a mile of each other, CSA-B, University of St. La Salle Integrated School, (USLS-IS), and La Consolacion College, (LCC). Each school has a sense of pride and its own personality but ultimately the schools want to produce a well-rounded human being that will serve his or her community.

Odd Corner: It could just be me but… no it’s not just me. There are an unnatural number of step-downs, step-ups in Philippines. Walking surfaces are not level from one room or area to another uniformly. It’s dangerous, slightly scary, and down-right, slap-stick funny. I’ve tripped so many times… and consider myself to be physically coordinated. I’ve seen at least two of my fellows trip and I’m watching more closely to see who will be the next unknowing victim of the step-down and hoping it won’t be me. J

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